Thursday, April 10, 2008


If you are reading this, I wish you would leave comments. I'm feeling insecure today and want to be loved. Thank you.

P.S. I am finally going to join Facebook, too...if you're on and you haven't heard from me within the week come find me.


Anonymous said...

NOOOOOOO!! If you join Facebook, that means I'll be the last one left that hasn't!!!

Mike W.

Emily said...

I love you! Don't be sad and insecure! I love reading your blog! :)

Anonymous said...

see, dale? no log-in required, just fill in the blanks, do the word verification, then click anonymous. you can even sign it in the body. :)


Anonymous said...


I'm no longer insecure and hopefully you're not either. I can't wait for more blogs to comment on.


Carmen said...

darling, i'm sure your conception of "insecure" equals most people's good days. sorry i'm missing the derby party, but i expect a blog!!