Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Addiction affliction

Inspirational author Catherine Pulsifer said, "There are two types of habits: ones which comfort us, and ones which would be a comfort if we stopped."

As someone who is in an ongoing quest to improve myself and my surroundings, this quote really rings true. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don't. Relatively recent good habits include regularly taking my own bags to the grocery store, drinking filtered tap from reusable containers (rather than plastic water bottles) and prioritizing fun things over tasks (ok, not always, but see yesterday's post). And certainly some habits are comforting in their very essence: Reading before I go to bed, cracking my knuckles to bug my mother, and sitting in the back of the bus where only one other person can possibly touch me. You get the idea.

So recently I was taking stock of my life, which includes habits I know I can do without. Luckily I don't have any serious problems like drugs or alcohol. But I figured if I write about my misgivings here, where everyone can read them and hold me accountable, I might be more likely to cut the bad habits out of my life and turn my energy towards more positive endeavors.

First up? Diet Coke. Please don't laugh because I'm serious and I'm actually doing really well. I've been reading more and more about how the artificial sweeteners in things like Diet Coke can trick the body into thinking you're actually consuming fewer calories than you really are, which causes some to eat more, and then gain wait. Think about all the times you've had fast food, pizza, or anything unhealthy with a side of Diet Coke. It cannot be good. Even though the jury's still out, common sense tells me any artificial foods probably aren't that good for me. Status: Going well. Those who knew me in college or my reporting days might remember when I religiously drank 3-4 Diet Cokes a day. I'm proud to report that I only had 2 last week, and 1 so far this week (I treated myself on Sunday). Not bad I'd say!

Next? Wheat Thins. Yes, again I am serious. Maybe I'm a fool to believe that cutting out foods like Wheat Thins helped Jamie Lee Curtis drop about 20 pounds. And no, before you read between the lines I'm not obsessed with losing weight, but again with the artificial foods thing... Reduced fat WTs are highly processed, and they can't be good for you or make you thin. Timeline: Once I nail the Diet Coke thing. Hopefully I can start on weeding out WTs by Mothers' Day.

After that? Stressing about the little things. This one really has me worried (LOL). Timeline: Not in this lifetime!


Emily said...

So if you actually manage to cut out wheat thins I will be impressed! I recall a night when we ate an entire box of wheat thins and a container of pimento cheese in the middle of the night. Probably with about 3 sides of diet coke apiece!

Kristin said...

the diet coke addiction! i used to consume *at least* 4 per day at wake. it was baaaad. now i maybe have one a week! it's being in sf that makes us so healthy and organic :)

Katie said...

oh wow I am so grossed out by the memory of eating an entire box of wheat thins. but I cannot deny these allegations...

Anonymous said...

I haven't had Diet Coke or any other kind of soda in years, I was never a fan. Wheat Thins are another story! I do buy the reduced fat thinking it's a good thing, I never gave the over processing a thought. I love to scoop them in humus. Hmmmmmmm