Friday, September 11, 2009

Ladies Night on the House

Last night I joined a few of the ladies from the office for ladies night. Whitney has chosen some awesome HH venues so far, but Sam took us to the Stereo Lounge in the Pan Pacific Hotel where Thursday nights mean completely free drinks and bites for the ladies. That's why we're smiling!

Here are some of the girls: Anu, Sam, Ranjeet, Min and me. I look like I'm a lot taller than they are but I'm really not!

Sure, the menu was limited but lychee martinis were on the list, and they brought around these great little sliders. Yum!

The girls asked me if these types of HH are common in the U.S. I gave them an emphatic no. HH, sure. Ladies nights, maybe (mostly in hole-in-the wall places). Free food and drinks with no catch, no way. Americans would totally abuse it, but I thought it was a really nice treat!

After HH, I met Ali, Zach, Whitney, Josh and Rafi at Boat Quay, and I'm joining the same crew for dinner tonight. See you Saturday!

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