Sunday, July 20, 2008

Where do I even start?

You know it's been a long time when you have to email your friends to check the blog again because it's been so long since you last posted.

It's been so long that the following people are officially a year older since my last "real" post on June 6 (the one before our NY trip was just a stall tactic):
- Lisa Marie
- Amy
- Laura
- Sarah K
- Adrienne
- Kristin (her birthday is actually tomorrow, but close enough)

After a 6-week blogging hiatus, 2 trips to visit 2 different sides of the family, a couple of house guests and countless work hours later, where do you even start? How about a month-and-a-half in review, in case anyone is questioning my dedication?

Week of June 8: Work trip touring the South. Highlights include dining with Morgan (used to be Mann) in Richmond, multiple trips to Sonic, a night at Japs with the Paris girls (and Ricky), and spending a few days at home with the family. Fortunately I was able to see Papaw one last time before his death - fittingly - on Father's Day.

Week of June 15: Right back in the swing of things at work, transitioned some additional responsibilities while temporarily serving in an interim role. Attempted to pick up the pieces of my domestic life at home!

Week of June 22: At this point, I have no idea what happened this week. I'm sure I was busy. I'm sure Brian played baseball. Carolyn & Ryan's engagement party might have been this week?

Week of June 29: Played tour guide and visited with Courtney she was in town for a work conference, then just one day at work before our trip to NY/NJ! We had an awesome time as usual. Highlights include having brunch with Mike & Jen, walking all over the place in the city, my last trip to Yankee Stadium, staying at the shore house with the Neal family, playing Scrabble on the beach (and winning all but one game), and my first trip to the boardwalk!

Week of July 6: Got home late Monday night then turned around and went right back to work Tuesday. Hotel de Neal opened its doors for the first time this summer when Ashley flew in from Chicago. By the time Friday rolled around, though, I was exhausted.

Week of July 13: Lots of work stuff, lots of dinners with friends. Spent most of the weekend relaxing and cleaning for my mom's visit.

Week of July 20: So here it is, July 20. While it's almost impossible to know what one week will hold to the next, I know that I have supper club tonight, drinks for Kristin's birthday tomorrow, a much-needed highlight and haircut Thursday (Brian even said something about my roots yesterday!), and my mom arriving Friday. I guess I will go to work, too.

So as you can see, I haven't just been sitting on my haunches... However, for those who rely on this for inter-office entertainment (Tabs), I will commit to updating the blog at least twice more this week. Photos coming in a separate post just because I just don't want to deal with the formatting.


Kristin said...

yay your blog is back!! love it! i'm very honored to be mentioned! :) thanks again for coming to supper club, and looking forward to tomorrow. bye bye sunday night blues.

Emily said...

yay! It looks like you guys had so much fun! How many boxes of kleenex did you need at Yankee Stadium?