Note: if you leave on the East Coast or South - in California, it typically doesn't rain from from April to December or so, hence rain is not a form of precipitation here, it's a season.
Check out the view from/of our foggy window today. Lame.
Moving on...
I started another three-day weekend yesterday and could give myself a gold star for how productive I've been. No one besides me cares about that, though, so I'll share a recipe for some quick comfort food you might also enjoy. I got the original recipe from Real Simple, so click here if you want a printable version.
1 pound rigatoni
2 heads steamed broccoli florets, cut into 1/2 inch pieces (Note: the original recipe calls for 1 head, but I think the more veggies the better)
1/2 cup toasted pine nuts
8 oz. Brie (with rind), cut into 1-inch pieces
Salt and pepper
Cook the pasta normally, drain and return to the pot. Add the steamed broccoli, pine nuts, Brie, 3/4 tsp. salt and 1/2 tsp. pepper. Stir until the chesse melts, then serve. Really good, takes only about 25 minutes and serves 4-6.
So glad this bat boy has kept himself busy today, too!
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