Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! It was so nice to go home over Christmas and see both families. It's hard to believe we've been home one week from tonight! Even though it was dead at work last week, I've stayed busy with my ongoing to do list. Other than re-uploading our iTunes (which I still haven't done since we got our computer back), sharing and posting photos was the last thing on my four-day-weekend list. Rather than a long, drawn out post about our many adventures back East, I thought you would enjoy the photos even more. Before we flew back East, we celebrated Brian's 29th birthday. Thanks to me, he no longer needs to wear Foakleys anymore!
Here we are with Zak, just days before his first Christmas. He slept almost our entire visit, despite the fact that Dale kept trying to wake him up. Finally he woke up so she could take tons of photos, and he was still well behaved! We saw Brian's grandparents and Aunt Debbie earlier that day. I don't have photos of that yet, but hopefully I can add some soon.

We made a quick trip into NY to meet Mike & Jen for lunch. Jen didn't have much time, so we just ate in the commisary at the ABC studios where she works. It was so good to see them! Plus, during our tour we saw Charlie Gibson, John Stossel, Elizabeth Vargas and Bob Woodward. Dale (pictured right, with Drew) couldn't believe we didn't take pictures! Later that night we had Christmas dinner with the Neal clan (I don't have photos of the sibs, but I think Drew does).

As soon as we got to Kentucky, Brian and I changed clothes for the Ugly Christmas Sweater party at Tabitha's house. Mom would probably like it if I said that my sweater wasn't technically ugly, just outdated. It has shoulder pads. On the right, check out what the other Paris girls wore.

On December 23, the extended Kemp family gathered to celebrate Granny K. and Poppy's 60th anniversary. It was fun reading most of the memories that afternoon - even if they were supposed to last through the next year!

This is our annual picture under the tree with Jake. On the right, Brian pretends to fight off the Red Sox in his new Yankees robe ("the best gift of the season").Here I am with Mom and Dad. We had a great visit and already miss you!


Emily said...

I love the leggings and sweater combo. Brian looks snazzy in his turtleneck and Christmas cardi! lovey!

Emily said...

yay for me-I figured out how to post!