Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mom, are you reading this?

I would not consider myself to be technically savvy, but I suppose when you spend 8+ hours on a computer a day, you learn a thing or two. Apparently you also forget how basic computers were in high school, and how far they've come in the last decade (ouch).

Mom and Dad (read: Mom) bought a new computer today. This computer replaces the one we bought when I was a junior in high school. That's a good two years before I was introduced to some of my best friends. Anyway, I was really proud of Mom's technical prowess in setting the machine up by herself this afternoon, IMing me by mid-afternoon.

Mom: "It's telling me you're typing right now!"

Me: "I forgot you couldn't see that. That's how I know when people are paying attention or are ignoring me."


Mom: "When I was in Word, I could see what all the fonts looked like in the menu. I didn't even have to type them to test them out!"

Really? That functionality wasn't there 11 years ago?

Somehow we got on the conversation of Google Images. She uses Google regularly, but not the Images function. Even though I knew a photo of her probably wouldn't be there (and it wasn't), I found this image of "Bonnie Collins." Apparently there is a woman named Bonnie Collins who is a West Virginia storyteller. Click here to to listen to her sing "The Piggy Song," or here to read the lyrics.

So then I started Googling Brian and me. Here's what I found for Brian:

And me... I can assure you I am neither a talented diver or a recorded artist. At least not yet.

So if Google Images is that much fun, imagine how much fun Mom could have on Google Maps. Unfortnately, their house isn't even captured by the Satellite image feature, but it's still interesting. At least Paris has some level of Satellite functionality now. You can see how big our town is in basically one frame! I know these tools aren't new, but they're always entertaining. And I actually know how to use them.

Mom: "Can you give me a tutorial on Excel?"

Me: Um, no...

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